
How to streamline a car rental company’s operations with deferred payment recording in the dashboard?

CLOUDERCAR will be essential for streamlining your work with the recording of deferred and incomplete payments in your personalized dashboard. Here are some key steps and appropriate tools to simplify the car rental technology process with CLOUDERCAR:

  1. Automated Credit Card Payment Management System: CLOUDERCAR natively integrates credit and debit card payment in partnership with VivaWallet. The dashboard is designed with customizable payment features that allow for the immediate collection of the full rental amount or an advance payment. In the former case, the payment will be tracked and associated with the contract and its invoice; in the case of an advance, both the advance and the scheduled amount will be automatically tracked. On the scheduled balance due date, it is possible to activate the residual payment with almost instant collection and balance closure. It is also possible to reset the due date to a further customizable date. CLOUDERCAR integrates features such as pro-forma and electronic invoicing and instant recording of credit/debit card payments collected. Thanks to its native integration with VivaWallet, CLOUDERCAR can handle deferred payments and allows real-time updating of financial information. CLOUDERCAR also includes the management of cash or wire transfer amounts in the same dashboard, but these must be manually recorded or scheduled for a later date without automation.
  2. Intuitive Dashboard: The CLOUDERCAR dashboard is intuitive and clearly displays the status of reservations, payments, and available cars. Refer to the provided graphs to easily view key information about deferred payments: amount, collection channel, period, month.
  3. Automatic Notifications: CLOUDERCAR implements automatic notifications to alert you as the due date for deferred payments approaches. The system also integrates notifications for internal staff to keep them informed about incoming payments.
  4. Online Payments: CLOUDERCAR offers the option to receive immediate and tracked online payments to expedite the process and make it more efficient, as well as secure and reliable to ensure transaction safety.

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